A cosmetologist by day and a writer by night, Ladosha Wright is the owner and principal of The Reverence Design Team Hair Salon in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. While cosmetology has long been a constant with Wright for over 15 years, she has always possessed a penchant for writing short stories and journals.
A long time in the making, Wright has channeled her journalistic talent into her new book, Curly Hair Adventures. In Curly Hair, Wright focuses on the most difficult question young girls, of all ethnicities, want answered: “What can I do to manage my hair and how can I continue to take care of it?”
Born in Nashville, Tennessee, Wright was raised in Cleveland. Early on, she realized her love of caring for hair, especially ethnic hair, and she knew that simply using a comb and brush and a little bit of oil sheen would just not cut it. Wright believes healthy hair—beginning at birth, its growth and its overall physical condition—stems from what you eat, drink, your stress levels and even the medicines you take.
Besides being a cosmetologist and writer, Wright has worked as a social worker, is a public speaker on varying issues and a strong activist for women’s rights. She is currently working on a specialty line of biomineral hair products called Wright Hair Products which will range from shampoos and conditioners to body oils all made exclusively by Wright. She has been featured in Cleveland Scene, Cleveland Magazine, the Call and Post and Ohio Stylist.
A fervent reader since childhood, Wright enjoys reading all genres, especially black history. She also loves traveling and mentoring young girls. “My goal has always been to encourage people to love themselves,” Wright contends. “If that happens, everything else positive will follow.”
You can find Wright on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.